
вівторок, 19 лютого 2013 р.

We were happy and WILD!

Dear All Who Joined Us for the Wild West Carnival on 16 February 2013!
You shared positive energy and made our common celebration unforgettable!
Let us remind how it was (just a small sketch to the wave of emotions you have received).
From the very first step to the Hall we met charming Viktoria Sklyar and handsome Vasyl Khomiak who skillfully crafted butterflies or stars on our tickets. Thanks for being smiling and intriguing, guys! The tickets itself where kindly designed and printed (as many others materials) by Oksana Tykha (EBA Toastmasters Club) with a support of Oleksandra Osypova -Safronova (thanks to fresh view of creativity!).
Entering into Hall you could mention the fabulously decorations, Horse (really close to real one) and “Wanted” Signs. The Hall was filled with cheerful-romantic-dynamic notes (we felt creative craft and music taste of Jenia’s Poluektova and Chamber TM club).

The first activity of the evening named “Speed Dating” was scrupulously conducted (as it should be) by Chair-cowgirl – Roksolana Melnyk (Dniprohills) and noisy and attention-catching Chair-cowboy – Jason Cammarano (Art Talkers Club). This wild couple entertained guest all evening with their jokes and western spirit!
Katrusia Zarubina led the session for everyone willing to sing “Old McDonal had a farm”. The most loved among guests words there were “ee-aa-ee-aa-yoo”. Not surprisingly that choral singing finished by mass-dancing (thanks to DJ Jenia).
Later Roman Topalyuk (Art Talkers) lead Arm wrestling tournament between  16 guys and 8 girls (on a sex-separate basis for sure). In the final opposition the girl-winner – Switlana Stavska (DniproHills) and Sergiy Strelko (our guest) won feminine charm supported by man’s respect-to-feminine-charm.
We will never forget songs by Polina Telegeeva (ArtTalkers) and cowboys band Andriy & Oleg.
Supported by snacks and juices (thank you Anatoliy Mykolenko from DniproHills for helping to purchase all that stuff!) guests continued dancing.
Friends! The event organization proved that we can make a great synergy for any project we plan! Thank you everyone for joining the team of organizers. Especially to Irina Lomachynska, Lena Noskova, Lena Toktarova, Galina Nikonchuk and all girls who came earlier and helped with a food. Many thanks to Sergiy Kostyshyn, Oleg Lytvynov, Andrey Bezrebry, Igor Chernikov and all strong guys for assistance at the carnival.  Thank youб dearest Bohdan Trotsenko for equipment assistance and Lena Noskova for overall support and organization. Thanks for PR, gathering people and informing on dress-code to Polina Telegeeva, Larysa Antoschuk and Roman Topolyuk. Special thanks for our Partners - Valentina Andreeva – photographer and Cafe “Druzi” – for presents.
Let's do more fun and add more colors to our life further and together!
 Photos by Valentina Andreeva  and others!
Posted by Larysa Antoschuk

понеділок, 11 лютого 2013 р.

Country music

Western music originated as a form of American folk music. It was originally composed by and about the people who settled and worked throughout the Western United States and Western Canada. Western music celebrates the life of the cowboy on the open ranges and prairies of Western North America.

Traditional for this style of music are using of guitar, banjo and violin.
This style takes beginning form 1920 and is still one of the major styles all over the worls, especially USA, Canada and Australia.

Some of the bright representatives of the style:

Traditional Country - Hank Williams

Classic Country - George Jones

Honky-Tonk - Ernest Tubb

Cowboy Country -  Gene Autrey

Johnny Cash

Lynn Anderson

Dolly Parton

Many of the superstars got inspired by Country music style and copy it in some of their songs:


Jessica Simpson

Taylor Swift

No wonder Country is so highly demanded! If you listen to is you will fell amazing sincerity and positivity it brings!

неділя, 10 лютого 2013 р.

Romantic Western Girl

For those of you, our charming ladies, who never leave their natural femeninity here is another way to dress for Wild West Carnival. Every cowboy had his fairy lady behind himself. Here are main "equipment" you will need:
1. A long wide skirt or a dress with, Preferably white, brown, beige or other pastel colours.

2. You can also choose a short leather (or other) skirt with fringe.

3. Your make up can be a little bit more accented that in a cowgirls look. You can use bright shadows or lipstick, but not at once, to make sure you are not looking too agressive. Real ladies know where to stop.

4. You can also wear a corset. It makes your waist look simply amazing and will make you look incredible!

5. To finish this romantic look you might add cowgirls hat, belt, shirt and boots.

Now you are ready! Waiting for you, ladies on our carnival!

субота, 9 лютого 2013 р.

Cowgirl look

To become a real cowgirl you can follow these simple steps:
1. Clothes: you will need a hat, country shirts, blue jeans and some boots.

2. Makeup: cowgirls' makeup looks natural and they don't put too much on.

3. Hair: most cowgirls have curly or wavy hair but you can also do some wild hairstyle or braid cornrows!

4. Dirt: cowgirls are not afraid to get dirty, they wrestle around in the mud and dirt, but they are also picky about cleanliness.

5. Cowboys: cowgirls are very loyal to their cowboys; they won't hesitate to kick some butt for their cowboys.

середа, 6 лютого 2013 р.

Western USSR

American Wild West culture had influenced on cinematography of USSR. Magnificent and a little bit naïve movie “A man from Kapucinov Boulevard” (“Человек с бульвара Капуцинов”, 1987) takes your attention from the beginning till the very end. It is full of bright phrases, thoughts and songs. 

пʼятниця, 1 лютого 2013 р.

American West style

Western wear is a category of men's and women's clothing which derives its unique style from the clothes worn in the 19th-century American West.
So, what is the classic American West style? Here are some basic cowboy look essentials:

1. Find your perfect pair of boots

2. Slip on a pair of jeans
3. Don a hat

4. Wear a coutry-style T-shirt

5. Get a good belt

+ Grow a mustache or a beard (it might be hard for girls, but if you do it, you’ll be a star of the party!)

That's it! Now you can ride your horse towards sunset!

середа, 30 січня 2013 р.


Howdy, y’all!

How about adding some color and fun to your winter weekends?

We are excited to invite you to join our energetic Wild West Carnival of Toastmasters! The Carnival will multiply your talents and reveal the non-discovered ones through session of “Speed Dating”, live performances, funny contests and line dances. The wildest will have an opportunity to win prizes.

Bright moments of our carnival will be captured by our photographer Valentina Andreeva.

Juice and snacks will add energy to our Carnival.

When? On 16 of February 2013 (Saturday). We are about to start at 18-00 and continue until 21-00 (or 21-30 if you kindly ask for that).

Where? Blv.Shevchenko 36, office 9.

What to wear? We expect to see many cowboys, cowgirls, sherrifs and outlaws. Put on a pair of jeans, wear a Western style shirt, don a hat and get a pair of boots.

The price for Fun: Entry ticket will cost you 70 UAH before the event and 90 UAH at the door.

Surprises are waiting for you. Visit our facebook page and dive into atmosphere of wild carnival!

Let us be Wild and Western!